Google Search Console Issues – A Simple Guide

Google Search Console Issues – A Simple Guide

SEO chart, how to improve keyword ranking, multiple sitemap

Fix Google issues easily! Whether it’s redirects or errors, our guide helps your website be seen better. Follow simple steps for a stronger online presence!

Table of Contents

  1. Page with Redirect:

    • Issue: Some pages aren’t indexed because visitors and search engine crawlers are redirected to other URLs.
    • How to Fix Page with Redirect:

      • Use the URL Inspection Tool to inspect URLs.
      • Check the type of redirect (301 or 302) using tools like Redirect Checker.
      • Remove or adjust faulty redirects.
      • Disable browser extensions to check for unwanted redirects.
      • Scan for malware, as it can cause redirects.
  2. Blocked by Robots.txt:

    • Issue: Googlebot is blocked from crawling a page due to the robots.txt file.
    • How to Solve blocked by Robots.txt:

      • Implement 301 redirects or add canonical tags.
      • Check and fix issues in the .htaccess file or robots.txt file.
      • Contact your web hosting provider if issues persist.
  3. Blocked due to Other 4xx Issue:

    • Issue: The website is blocked due to a client-side error (4xx), such as a 404 error.
    • How to Fix Blocked due to Other 4xx Issue:

      • Set up a 404 redirect.
      • Check .htaccess and robots.txt files.
      • Contact your web hosting provider if other solutions don’t work.
  4. Excluded by Noindex Tag:

    • Issue: Google finds a noindex tag on pages, preventing them from being indexed.
    • How to Fix Excluded by Noindex Tag:

      • Check SEO plugin or theme settings.
      • Inspect robots.txt file for noindex tags.
      • Check HTML of pages for noindex tags.
      • Remove noindex tags and submit pages for indexing in Google Search Console.
  5. Soft 404:

    • Issue: Server responds with a 200 OK status for non-existing pages, causing soft 404 errors.
    • How to Fix soft 404:

      • Check and correct URLs.
      • Update internal links.
      • Create 301 redirects for changed URLs.
      • Set empty archives to noindex.
      • Address thin or duplicate content.
  6. Server Error (5xx):

    • Issue: Indicates a problem on the server hosting the website.
    • How to Fix server error 5xx:

      • Fix errors in .htaccess file.
      • Undo recent server updates.
      • Upgrade server if necessary.
  7. Duplicate without User-Selected Canonical:

    • Issue: Google finds multiple versions of the same content without a specified canonical version.
    • How to Fix Duplicate without User-Selected Canonical:

      • Implement 301 redirects.
      • Use canonical URLs to identify the original version.
  8. Redirect Error:

    • Issue: Occurs when Google’s bots can’t reach the destination URL after following a redirect.
    • How to Fix redirect error:

      • Fix redirect chains and loops.
      • Address broken link issues.
      • Update internal linking.
      • Implement new redirects.
  9. Crawled – Currently Not Indexed:

    • Issue: Google has crawled a page but chosen not to index it.


    • How to Fix crawled currently not Indexed:

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